フリーダイヤル 0120-769-103

4-Channel Type-K Thermometer with Backlit Display


4 Channel Type-K Thermometer | HH501DK

4 Channel Type-K Thermometer

¥34,357 HH501DK

1 year warranty CE
  • 4 Inputs with Differential Temperature Measurement
  • 3 1 /2 Digital Display with Backlighting
  • Measures K Thermocouples in °F or °C
  • Read HOLD, MAX Function
  • Resolution 0.1° or 1°
  • NIST-Traceable Certificate of Calibration (No Points)
温度測定器 - 関連する商品を探す


The OMEGA™ HH501DK is a rugged, easy to use thermometer with 4 standard miniature connector inputs. It accepts K type thermocouple probes and covers ranges from -50 to 1300°C (-58 to 1999°F). It also provides differential temperature measurement readings of T1-T2, T1-T3, T1-T4, as well as individual readings of the 4 inputs.

Temperature Range: -50 to 1300°C (-58 to 1999°F)
Input: Type K thermocouple
  ±(0.3% rdg + 1°C) -50 to 1000°C
  ±(0.5% rdg + 1°C) 1000 to 1300°C
  ±(0.3% rdg + 2°F) -58 to 1999°F
Display: 3 1/2 digit liquid crystal display (LCD) with maximum reading of 1999
Polarity: Automatic, positive implied, negative polarity indication.
Overrange: (OL) or (-OL) is displayed
Zero: Automatic Low Battery Indication: visual indicator is displayed when battery voltage drops below operating level.
Measurement Rate: 2.5 times Operating Environment: 0 to 50°C @ <70% RH
Storage Temperature: -20 to 60°C, 0 to 80% RH with battery removed from meter
Accuracy: Stated accuracy @ 23°C ±5°C <75% relative humidity. (accuracy specification does not include type K thermocouple probe accuracy)
Dimensions: 195 x 92 x 53 mm (7.7 x 3.6 x 2.1")
Weight: Approx. 250 g (9 oz) including battery
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¥37,792 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥34,357)
納期: 5 週間
Thermometer, type K input with differential measurement
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NIST traceable calibration with points
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注: Unit comes complete with user’s manual, 4 beaded K T/C, alkaline battery and rubber boot. Handle probe shown in photo sold sepatately, see probe section.
Ordering Example: (1) HH501DK Thermometer, ¥34,357
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