フリーダイヤル 0120-769-103

Stainless Steel Sheath Cartridge Heaters Standard and High Watt Density Construction

CSS and CSH Series

Short Cartridge Heaters | CSS and CSH Series

Short Cartridge Heaters


1 year warranty
  • Stainless Steel Sheath
  • 1/8" to 3/4" (3.2 to 19.1mm) Diameters
  • 120 V and 240 V
  • CSH: Sheath Temps. to 760°C (1400°F)
  • CSS: Sheath Temps. to 677°C (1250°F)
    • Dies
    • Molds
    • Platens
    • Heat Sealing
    • Labeling
    • Packaging
    • Hot Melt Adhesive Machinery
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OMEGALUX™ CS series cartridge heaters provide high wattage in limited spaces. They are manufactured with 300 series stainless steel sheaths to precise dimensions and tolerances to ensure maximum heat transfer for minimum core temperature and faster heating. The CSS series cartridge heaters utilize an economical design of coiled resistance elements and ceramic cores, and can be used whenever a high Watt density is not required. The CSH series are high Watt density cartridge heaters which feature a swaged construction which allows for longer life at higher temperatures. See graph (below) for the maximum recommended Watt density when selecting the high Watt density, CSH series, cartridge heaters.

CSS and CSH series cartridge heaters are designed to fit into holes drilled and reamed to the nominal diameter of the heater. The hole should be reamed to the fractional size with a +.001" tolerance.

1/8" Diameter CSS Series Cartridge Heaters
(Actual Dia: 0.124"–0.120")
Model No. Length (In.) Watts W/in2 Weight lb (g)
CSS-01110/120V110350.01 (5)
CSS-01115/120V115500.01 (5)
CSS-01120/120V1.520400.03 (14)
CSS-01125/120V1.525500.03 (14)
CSS-01235/120V235500.06 (27)

5/32" Diameter CSS Series Cartridge Heaters
(Actual Dia: 0.155"–0.152")
Model No. Length (In.) Watts W/in2 Weight lb (g)
CSS-02110/120V110250.05 (23)
CSS-02120/120V1.520350.07 (32)
CSS-02235/120V235400.09 (41)

3/16" Diameter CSS Series Cartridge Heater
(Actual Dia: 0.186"–0.183")
Model No. Length (In.) Watts W/in2 Weight lb (g)
CSS-03130/120V1.530400.07 (32)
CSS-03235/120V235350.09 (41)
CSS-03365/120V365400.11 (50)
CSS-03490/120V490400.13 (59)
CSS-03460/120V460250.13 (59)
CSS-034100/120V4100450.13 (59)

1/4" Diameter CSS and CSH Series Cartridge Heaters
(Actual Dia: 0.249"–0.245")
Model No. Length (In.) Watts W/in2 Weight lb (g)
CSS-10120/120V120350.01 (5)
CSH-101100/120V11002500.02 (9)
CSS-101201/120V1.2520250.01 (5)
CSH-1011001/120V1.251001650.02 (9)
CSS-10130/*1.530300.02 (9)
CSS-10150/*1.550500.02 (9)
CSH-10170/120V1.570850.02 (9)
CSH-1011001/120V1.51001250.02 (9)
CSH-101120/120V1.51201500.02 (9)
CSS-10250/120V250350.03 (14)
CSH-102100/120V2100850.03 (14)
CSH-102150/120V21501250.03 (14)
CSS-10265/*2.565350.04 (18)
CSH-102135/120V2.5135850.03 (14)
CSH-102185/120V2.51851150.03 (14)
CSS-103100/240V3100450.05 (23)
CSH-103170/120V3170900.04 (18)
CSH-103220/120V32201150.04 (18)
CSS-10390/*3.590350.06 (27)
CSH-103200/*3.5200850.04 (18)
CSH-103260/*3.52601100.04 (18)
CSS-104110/*4110400.07 (32)
CSH-104235/*4235850.04 (18)
CSH-104300/*43001100.04 (18)
CSH-104400/*44001500.04 (18)
CSH-10470/120V4.570210.05 (23)
CSS-104110/*4.5110300.08 (36)
CSH-104270/*4.5270850.05 (23)
CSH-104350/*4.53501100.05 (23)
CSH-105305/*5305850.06 (27)
CSH-105400/*54001150.06 (27)
CSS-107150/120V7150300.12 (54)

3/8" Diameter CSS and CSH Series Cartridge Heaters
(Actual Dia: 0.374"–0.370")
Model No. Length (In.) Watts W/in2 Weight lb (g)
CSS-20130/120V130400.04 (18)
CSH-201100/120V11001650.04 (18)
CSH-2011001/120V1.251001100.04 (18)
CSH-201150/120V1.251501650.04 (18)
CSS-20150/*1.550400.07 (32)
CSS-2011002/*1.5100900.05 (23)
CSH-2015150/120V1.51501250.05 (23)
CSH-201200/*1.52001050.05 (23)
CSS-20270/*270350.09 (41)
CSS-202100/120V2100500.09 (41)
CSH-202150/*2150850.06 (27)
CSH-202200/*22001100.06 (27)
CSH-202250/*22501350.06 (27)
CSH-20275/120V2.575310.07 (32)
CSS-2021001/*2.5100400.12 (54)
CSH-202200/120V2.5200850.07 (32)
CSH-202300/*2.53001250.07 (32)
CSS-20375/*375250.15 (68)
CSH-203250/*3250850.08 (36)
CSH-203400/*34001350.08 (36)
CSS-203150/*3.5150500.18 (82)
CSH-203300/*3.5300850.09 (41)
CSH-203450/120V3.54501300.18 (82)
CSS-20475/120V475200.20 (91)
CSS-204220/*4220500.20 (91)
CSH-204350/*4350850.10 (45)
CSH-204500/*45001200.10 (45)
CSS-204250/*4.5250500.23 (104)
CSS-205280/*5280500.27 (122)
CSH-205500/*5500950.11 (50)
CSS-205100/240V5.5100150.31 (141)
CSS-206350/*6350500.36 (163)
CSH-206600/*6600900.13 (59)

1/2" Diameter CSS and CSH Series Cartridge Heaters
(Actual Dia: 0.499"–0.494")
Model No. Length (In.) Watts W/in2 Weight lb (g)
CSS-30175/*1.575500.07 (32)
CSS-30190/120V1.590600.07 (32)
CSH-301135/*1.5135850.07 (32)
CSH-301335/120V1.53352100.07 (32)
CSS-302120/*2120500.11 (50)
CSH-302200/*2200850.08 (36)
CSH-302400/120V24001650.08 (36)
CSS-30280/120V2.580250.14 (64)
CSS-302150/*2.5150500.14 (64)
CSH-302270/*2.5270850.09 (41)
CSH-302470/*2.54701500.09 (41)
CSS-303200/*3200500.17 (77)
CSH-303335/*3335850.10 (45)
CSH-303535/*35351350.10 (45)
CSS-304275/*4275500.23 (104)
CSH-304470/*4470850.11 (50)
CSS-305350/*5350500.27 (122)
CSH-305500/*5500700.13 (59)
CSS-306425/*6425500.33 (150)
CSH-306735/*6735850.15 (68)
CSS-307550/*7550550.48 (218)
CSS-308650/*8650550.53 (240)
CSH-3081000/*81000850.17 (77)
CSS-310850/*10850550.62 (281)
CSH-3101200/240V101200800.22 (100)
CSS-3121000/*121000550.69 (313)

5/8" Diameter CSS and CSH Series Cartridge Heaters
(Actual Dia: 0.624"–0.619")
Model No. Length (In.) Watts W/in2 Weight lb (g)
CSH-402250/*2250850.13 (59)
CSS-40275/240V2.575200.15 (68)
CSS-402200/*2.5200500.15 (68)
CSH-402335/*2.5335850.15 (68)
CSS-403250/*3250500.21 (95)
CSH-403415/*3415850.17 (77)
CSS-403300/*3.5300500.25 (113)
CSS-403350/120V3.5350600.25 (113)
CSS-404350/*4350500.29 (132)
CSH-404585/*4585850.20 (91)
CSS-405450/*5450500.35 (159)
CSS-406350/120V6350300.44 (200)
CSS-406400/120V6400300.44 (200)
CSS-406540/*6540500.44 (200)
CSH-406920/*6920850.30 (136)
CSS-407635/*7635500.57 (259)
CSS-408750/*8750570.55 (249)
CSH-4081000/240V81000700.40 (181)
CSH-4081500/240V815001000.40 (181)
CSS-409950/*9950550.63 (286)
CSS-4101000/*101000530.68 (308)
CSH-4101600/240V101600850.70 (318)
CSS-4121200/240V121200530.75 (340)
CSH-4121750/240V121750800.80 (363)

3/4" Diameter CSS and CSH Series Cartridge Heaters
(Actual Dia: 0.749"–0.741")
Model No. Length (In.) Watts W/in2 Weight lb (g)
CSS-502230/*2.5230500.21 (95)
CSS-503350/*3.5350500.29 (132)
CSS-505500/*5500500.43 (195)
CSS-506650/*6650500.49 (222)
CSH-5061000/240V61000800.44 (200)
CSH-5061500/240V615001150.44 (200)
CSS-507760/*7760500.57 (259)
CSS-508750/120V8750400.70 (318)
CSS-508885/*8885500.70 (318)
CSH-5081500/240V81500850.58 (263)
CSH-5082000/240V820001100.58 (263)
CSS-5101100/240V101100450.80 (363)
CSH-5102000/240V102000900.45 (204)
CSS-5121300/240V121300450.92 (417)
CSH-512220/240V122200801.00 (454)

Insert “120V” or “240V” to indicate desired operating voltage.
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Example part numbers are shown below. For additional configurations see the Part Number Builder below this table.
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theCSS-10130/240V
¥6,809 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥6,190)
納期: 9 週間
1/4" Cartridge Heater 30 W
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theCSH-101100/120V
¥8,888 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥8,080)
納期: 5 週間
1/4" Cartridge Heater 100 W
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theCSS-01110/120V
¥15,681 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥14,255)
納期: 2 週間
1/8" Cartridge Heater 10 W
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theCSS-01115/120V
¥14,845 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥13,495)
納期: 5 週間
1/8" Cartridge Heater 15 W
¥11,534 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥10,485)
納期: 2 週間
1/4" Cartridge Heater 170 W
¥9,785 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥8,895)
納期: 4 週間
1/4" Cartridge Heater 150 W
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theCSS-10120/120V
¥6,846 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥6,224)
納期: 4 週間
1/4" Cartridge Heater 20 W
¥11,534 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥10,485)
納期: 9 週間
1/4" Cartridge Heater 220 W
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theCSH-1011001/120V
¥8,668 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥7,880)
納期: 5 週間
1/4" Cartridge Heater 100 W
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theCSS-10150/120V
¥6,776 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥6,160)
納期: 2 週間
1/4" Cartridge Heater 50 W
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theCSS-01125/120V
¥16,770 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥15,245)
納期: 9 週間
1/4" Cartridge Heater 25 W
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theCSS-01235/120V
¥17,127 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥15,570)
納期: 9 週間
1/8" Cartridge Heater 35 W
¥10,665 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥9,695)
納期: 9 週間
3/16" Cartridge Heater 65 W
¥10,984 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥9,985)
納期: 9 週間
3/16" Cartridge Heater 100 W
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theCSS-10130/120V
¥7,161 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥6,510)
納期: 2 週間
1/4" Cartridge Heater 30 W
¥6,809 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥6,190)
納期: 2 週間
1/4" Cartridge Heater 50 W
¥7,002 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥6,365)
納期: 9 週間
1/4" Cartridge Heater 50 W
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theCSS-107150/120V
¥11,572 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥10,520)
納期: 9 週間
1/4" Cartridge Heater 150 W
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theCSH-102100/120V
¥10,461 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥9,510)
納期: 9 週間
1/4" Cartridge Heater 100 W
¥9,636 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥8,760)
納期: 9 週間
3/8" Cartridge Heater 280 W
Ordering Example: (1) CSS-01120/120V 1/8'' diameter cartridge heater, 120 Vac, ¥13,365
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